What Does the Masked Singer Come on

If someone's elevator pitch for a TV went something like this — 'We dress up celebrities in head-to-toe costumes, make them sing, and then try to guess who is behind the masks,' — you might be inclined to say no. That's the basic premise of The Masked Singer, but people can't stop watching. The show is nothing short of a reality TV sensation, and it's already coming back for a second season on Fox. Here's what we know about it.

How does The Masked Singer work?

The Masked Singer
The concept for The Masked Singer is crazy, but it works. | FOX

We briefly outlined how The Masked Singer works, but there's a little bit more to it than that. The performing celebrities aren't just anonymous on stage; their identities are hidden from the moment they set foot on set to the second they leave.

Comedian Margaret Cho, who participated on the show, said the celebrities wore hoodies and balaclavas almost all the time. That way, the folks working in makeup and the costume department didn't know who they were.

Do The Masked Singer celebrities pick their costumes?

The costumes on The Masked Singer are outrageous and memorable, but do the celebrities get to pick their outfits? It depends.

Costume designer Marina Toybina started with nearly two dozen renderings, and she whittled it down to 12. Cho reveals she got to pick between two costumes. Some of the celebrities don't have a preference, in which case Toybina picks for them. In either case, the performers have to go through multiple fittings to get a perfectly tailored costume.

When will Season 2 of The Masked Singer air?

Fox's "The Masked Singer" Premiere Karaoke Event - Red Carpet
Nick Cannon (from left), Jenny McCarthy, Ken Jeong, and Robin Thicke from The Masked Singer. | Rachel Luna/Getty Images

The Masked Singer is Fox's biggest reality TV hit since 2008, and more than 17 million people tuned in to watch the debut, according to Deadline. So of course, Fox couldn't wait to greenlight a second season. The network hasn't announced a start date, but we have some guesses.

First, it's a smash hit that everyone is talking about, so Fox would be smart to start Season 2 as soon as possible. The first season ends in March 2019, and it takes time to cast and prepare for a second run, so a summer or fall 2019 debut seems most likely.

There aren't many shows that produce two seasons in the same year, but it can work for shows similar to The Masked Singer. Dancing With the Stars aired two seasons a year over several years, and it worked out well. The show plowed through 27 seasons between 2005 and 2018, and that's not factoring in spinoff shows.

One reason the show is so successful

The Masked Singer judge Ken Jeong
Ken Jeong knows why The Masked Singer is such a hit. Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images

Based on the success of shows such as America's Got Talent, Dancing With the Stars, and American Idol, people love talent-based reality TV shows. The Masked Singer judge Ken Jeong says the show's popularity stems finding a way to feature the best of all those other shows.

"It's the format," Jeong says. "The Masked Singer is four gameshows rolled into one. It's part American Idol, part The Voice, part Dancing With the Stars , and a little big vintage What's My Line. The format is the star."

Jeong knows why The Masked Singer is a hit, but he's still surprised by the show's success. "It's insane, isn't it?" he tells Parade. "It's really been the biggest surprise hit so far this year. None of us expected the monster ratings, pun intended. One reviewer described the show as a 'fever dream.' It's like, wow, is The Masked Singer on, or do I have the flu?"

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What Does the Masked Singer Come on

Source: https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/the-masked-singer-heres-what-we-know-about-season-2.html/

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